
The following benchmarks represent typical use cases of Mirheo. They were performed on the Piz-Daint supercomputer for both strong and weak scaling. See in benchmarks/cases/ for more informations about the run scripts.

Bulk Solvent

Periodic Poiseuille flow in a periodic domain in every direction, with solvent only. Timings are based on the average time-step wall time, measured from the createStats plugin.


strong scaling for multiple domain sizes


weak scaling efficiency for multiple subdomain sizes

The weak scaling efficiency is very close to 1 thanks to the almost perfect overlapping of communication and computation.

Bulk Blood

Periodic Poiseuille flow for blood with 45% Hematocrite in a periodic domain in every direction. Timings are based on the average time-step wall time, measured from the createStats plugin.


strong scaling for multiple domain sizes


weak scaling efficiency for multiple subdomain sizes

The weak scaling efficiency is lower than in the solvent only case because of the complexity of the problem:

  • Multiple solvents
  • FSI interactions
  • contact interactions
  • Many objects
  • Bounce back on membranes

The above induces a lot more communication than the simple solvent only case.

Poiseuille Flow

Poiseuille flow between two plates (walls), with solvent only. Timings are based on the average time-step wall time, measured from the createStats plugin.


strong scaling for multiple domain sizes


weak scaling efficiency for multiple subdomain sizes

Rigid Objects suspension

Periodic Poiseuille flow for rigid suspensions in a periodic domain. Timings are based on the average time-step wall time, measured from the createStats plugin.


strong scaling for multiple domain sizes


weak scaling efficiency for multiple subdomain sizes

I/O overlap with computation

Data dump every 100 steps for the periodic Poiseuille flow benchmark. Computation timings are based on the average time-step wall time, measured from the createStats plugin when no I/O is performed. The I/O timings are extracted from the log files. The total timings are based on the average time-step wall time when I/O is active.


Overlap of data dump and computation